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12 September, 2019: We can play together at "Zažít město jinak"

Three of our musicians of the project # We Can Play Together will perform on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at the public event "Zažít město jinak" in Prague's Nusle. By telling their life stories and singing together with the audience, they show that they are part of our city just like the others. And the fact that they are members of another culture or ethnicity does not prevent us from "playing and singing together".

You can look forward to 

- Jenda Dužda at 15:00

- Ioannis Kapnistis and Boro Prelić at 17:00

- Aida Mujačić at 20:00

28.6.2018 XXXIV ESEM – Riga, 3/7 September 2018

The 34th European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (ESEM) will take place from Monday 3 September to Friday 7 September 2018, in Riga, Latvia, and will be hosted by the Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music.

The theme of the seminar is “Experience and Expectation”.  For any information, please contact Anda Beitane at

22.6.2018 Workshopy Collegium Ethnomusicum v letním semestru

V letním semestru 2018 proběhla první část aplikovaného výzkumu "Můžeme hrát spolu". Na třech seminářích Collegium Ethnomusicum se studenti setkali se třemi hudebníky - Máriem Bihárim, Aidou Mujačič a Ioannisem Kapnistisem.

Z Collegií byly natočeny krátké dokumenty, které si můžete pustit zde. Fotogalerie ke shlédnutí tady.

Ioannis Kapsnistis

Aida Mujačič

Mario Bihári


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