Mgr. Veronika Seidlová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Veronika Seidlová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Veronika Seidlová, Ph.D. (1981) is an assistant professor at Charles University’s Faculty of Humanities, where she teaches anthropology and ethnomusicology. Her doctoral thesis, Cesta mantry z Indie do Čech [The Journey of Mantras from India to Bohemia]and her contribution to the ethnography of globalization and music are based on field research in multiple locations. She is the author of many expert publications, e.g., the audiotextual Zapomenutý hlas Jeruzalémské synagogy v Praze [Forgotten voice of the Jerusalem Synagogue in Prague], issued by the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Fonogram Archive of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. From 2008 through 2010 she was the curator and head of the Center for the Documentation of Popular Music and New Media at the National Museum’s Czech Museum of Music (e.g., the exhibition Beatlemania!).
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